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Personal Insurance
Please contact your respective insurance companies and inquire if your individual or family plan include acupuncture benefits. We accept all insurance carriers with members' possessing plans providing acupuncture coverage and benefits. Please bring all your health insurance information with you on your visit. We will provide all necessary documents for reimbursement when applicable.

Worker's Comp & MVA Insurance Personal Inury Protection
We accept all cases involving work related injuries and all motor vehicle accident cases covered by auto insurance PIP agreement. Please bring and provide us with the appropriate claim information, primary care physician/specialist doctor's notes, emergency room discharge papers and other additional documentation if necessary.

Out of pocket price - 2024
Initial Office Visit with Intake and Single Session = $135.00
Follow-up Office Visits with Single/Double Session = $95.00 / $145.00

Treatment Length (Varies)
Therapeutic time dosage depends on the nature of illness/disorder and the condition of each individual at that specific point in time. In general therapeutic session times average:

Acute Condition (single session dose): 25-35 minutes
Chronic Condition (double session dose): 45-55 minutes

(781) 526-7800

10 Holden St #9 Malden, MA 02148